Nota Breve

Podia ter chamado este blog "Reflexões de uma luso-americana"; escolhi "Mensagem numa garrafa" por desconhecer o destino das minhas palavras e o impacto que estas terão. Será escrito nas versões de português de Portugal (pelos menos da maneira que me recordo) e de inglês americano.

This blog could have been named "Musings of a Portuguese-American"; I chose "Message in a Bottle" as I will never know who my words will reach and the impact they'll have on all those strangers. It is being written in American English, as well as in Portuguese from Portugal.

29 de agosto de 2014

The puppets of modern life

Sometimes when I watch people as they go about their lives, often toiling against the tide (most with sunken eyes and resigned looks on their faces, often doing their best to hide an anti-depressant dependency and under societal pressure to put on a happy face) I become increasingly convinced that we are all a bunch of puppets whose strings are being pulled by some obscure and unknown entity giving us the illusion of freedom of choice when, in actuality,  we are a mere bunch of puppets with very little free will.

Sometimes I like to watch life go by from the outside. It helps me cope with grim realities and it also helps me see things from a different prism.

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