Nota Breve

Podia ter chamado este blog "Reflexões de uma luso-americana"; escolhi "Mensagem numa garrafa" por desconhecer o destino das minhas palavras e o impacto que estas terão. Será escrito nas versões de português de Portugal (pelos menos da maneira que me recordo) e de inglês americano.

This blog could have been named "Musings of a Portuguese-American"; I chose "Message in a Bottle" as I will never know who my words will reach and the impact they'll have on all those strangers. It is being written in American English, as well as in Portuguese from Portugal.

13 de junho de 2016

No. Further. Explanation. Needed.

Athena Image(in the wake of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history)

Twice under FBI's radar.
Still allowed to purchase guns legally.

I rest my case.

4 de junho de 2016


Impressionante a facilidade com que as pessoas se deixam enganar. Basta apenas um extracto de um documento fraudulento qualquer para controlar a opinião pública e para, num ápice, alterar para toda a eternidade o "status quo" e o futuro da humanidade.
This is mighty scary!

Being anal-retentive: a curse or a blessing?

Teresa, you’re a very smart and sweet person, but you are also very intense which at times can be off-putting to some peopleand we cannot take that chance with you.”

Control freak.
Type-A personality.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Nothing that I hadn’t heard before; this time, however, considering the source and what I lost as a result of my character flaws, it hurt. It stung like hell and I was up half of the night thinking of all the times I have heard these exact words, remembering all the conflicts I’ve created with others and all the pain I’ve endured and tears I’ve shed as a direct result of caring too much, of never being completely satisfied with my performance, of always wanting more for myself and others, of giving “slightly” more than a shit.

And after hours of insomnia I came to the realization that I don’t know how to be any other way. I don’t know how to relax as long as there’s work to be done; I don’t know how to function without giving my all (that applies to both work and relationships); I don’t know how to go through life feeling detached from the issues and functioning at half speed. I don’t know and I’m not sure I want to know.

I don’t mean any harm, I just want the best for everyone – myself included. I just want to go to sleep at night knowing that I tried my damnedest to prevent anything I cannot control from causing any unnecessary suffering. This is the only way I know to prevent future regrets. If something bad were to happen because of something that I did not do or did half-fast when I knew better, I would suffer unnecessarily. I am fully aware that life’s always throwing us curve balls at lightning speed, and for those, the only thing I can do is look for valuable life lessons; live, learn, and try to be better prepared next time is all I can do in those situations, so why not give 100% the rest of the time?

As I said earlier: I don’t know how to be any other way, and I’m not sure I want to be any other way. Anyone who wants me in their life will have to take me as I am. I cannot expect others to accept me as I am, any more than others can expect me to change to fit a particular mold. Even when that means losing important people and/or opportunities, as was the case yesterday.

As Popeye the sailor man so eloquently put it, “I yam what I yam what I yam.” Take it or leave it!   

I am done trying to twist myself into a human pretzel just for the sake of fitting in where I don’t belong. 

Patriotismo/Nacionalismo/Hubris - uma linha muito fina

Em conjunto com a ignorância, uma ideologia baseada no medo e mentalidades justiceiras, a idolatria à Pátria (sempre disfarçada em amor ao país) tem conduzido, ao longo dos tempos, a inúmeras barbaridades, injustiças e derramamento de sangue por esse Mundo fora. Entre as atrocidades cometidas em nome do patriotismo e religião, encontram-se: o espezinhamento de tribos de índios e outras populações indígenas ao “Novo Mundo”; as câmaras de gás da Alemanha nazista; as políticas de apartheid na África do Sul; a política externa de determinados países em prol da "segurança nacional."

Tanta rétorica em plena campanha eleitoral pregando o isolacionismo e a incitar à violencia e à desconfiança do diferente mete-me nojo. Tudo isto em nome do patriotismo, da segurança e dos interesses da Nação. 

E quem não gosta ou critica é apelidado de ingrato e/ou traidor.

Haja paciência!
 We all know now that this love becomes a demon when it becomes a god.”  - C.S. Lewis

“I could never understand ethnic or national pride because for me pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own not something that happens by accident at birth. Being Irish isn’t a skill, it’s a fucking genetic accident.” - George Carlin

Cemitérios por esse mundo fora repletos de soldados que sofreram uma lavagem cerebral.  Inimigos que, enquanto vivos, rezavam pela mesma coisa: que Deus lhes salvasse a pele, a troco da alienação dos seus inimigos. Escusado será dizer que alguém sofrerá uma enorme desilusão…

É possível ter uma boa relação e um carinho especial pelo nosso país, eu tenho. Mas não podemos deixar que o amor à Pátria nos impedeça de reconhecer os pecados do passado e, ao contrário do que algumas "mentes inteligentes" gostam de dizer, reconhecer e pedir desculpas por actos e pecados do passado não é um sinal de fraqueza, mas sim de maturidade, maioridade e humanidade.

Tenho dito.