Nota Breve

Podia ter chamado este blog "Reflexões de uma luso-americana"; escolhi "Mensagem numa garrafa" por desconhecer o destino das minhas palavras e o impacto que estas terão. Será escrito nas versões de português de Portugal (pelos menos da maneira que me recordo) e de inglês americano.

This blog could have been named "Musings of a Portuguese-American"; I chose "Message in a Bottle" as I will never know who my words will reach and the impact they'll have on all those strangers. It is being written in American English, as well as in Portuguese from Portugal.

26 de fevereiro de 2016

What is “normal”?

When you see life as an object of value, it’s hard to see the value in life.”

I’m sick of this politically correct, yet morally fucked world. A world where we’re afraid others will be offended by our words, but not that others will be affected by our actions.” – So am I, young man. So am I.

Wake up, World – the choice is YOURS!

Animais “irracionais”

Recomendo vivamente que este video seja visto em ecrã inteiro.

I highly recommend that this video be seen in "Full Screen" mode.

O novo monstro de Frankenstein: justiça cósmica própria de uma tragédia grega

Was it not the party’s wild obstructionism — the repeated threats to shut down the government over policy and legislative disagreements; the persistent call for nullification of Supreme Court decisions; the insistence that compromise was betrayal; the internal coups against party leaders who refused to join the general demolition — that taught Republican voters that government, institutions, political traditions, party leadership and even parties themselves were things to be overthrown, evaded, ignored, insulted, laughed at?”

Who began the attack on immigrants — legal and illegal — long before Trump arrived on the scene and made it his premier issue? Who was it who frightened Mitt Romney into selling his soul in 2012, talking of “self-deportation” to get himself right with the party’s anti-immigrant forces? Who was it who opposed any plausible means of dealing with the genuine problem of illegal immigration, forcing Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) to cower, abandon his principles — and his own immigration legislation — lest he be driven from the presidential race before it had even begun? It was not Trump. It was not even party yahoos. It was Republican Party pundits and intellectuals, trying to harness populist passions and perhaps deal a blow to any legislation for which President Obama might possibly claim even partial credit. What did Trump do but pick up where they left off, tapping the well-primed gusher of popular anger, xenophobia and, yes, bigotry that the party had already unleashed?”

Has the president done a poor job in many respects? Have his foreign policies, in particular, contributed to the fraying of the liberal world order that the United States created after World War II? Yes, and for these failures he has deserved criticism and principled opposition. But Republican and conservative criticism has taken an unusually dark and paranoid form. Instead of recommending plausible alternative strategies for the crisis in the Middle East, many Republicans have fallen back on a mindless Islamophobia, with suspicious intimations about the president’s personal allegiances.”

We are supposed to believe that Trump’s legion of ‘angry’ people are angry about wage stagnation. No, they are angry about all the things Republicans have told them to be angry about these past 7½ years, and it has been Trump’s good fortune to be the guy to sweep them up and become their standard-bearer. He is the Napoleon who has harvested the fruit of the Revolution.”
 Image result for trump's angry supporters


21 de fevereiro de 2016

Sinais de tempos assustadores

Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um rapazinho foi forçado a abandonar a sua casa e, juntamente com a sua família, foram todos metidos num comboio a abarrotar com outras familias como as dele e enviados para um campo isolado do resto do país, sem fazerem  ideia de quando poderiam regressar a casa.  E ali ficou, o rapazinho mais a sua família, confinados durante vários anos.  Porquê? Pura e exclusivamente devido à sua origem étnica.

Poderia estar a referir-me às atrocidades a que foram sujeitos os Judeus do outro lado do Atlântico, ou num país atrasado qualquer, mas não estou. Isto aconteceu em pleno solo americano, decorria o ano de 1942. O menino em questão é hoje um idoso de quase 80 anos, nada mais nada menos do que o actor George Takei.

"We had nothing to do with the war. We simply happened to look like the people that bombed Pearl Harbor. But without charges, without trial, without due process — the fundamental pillar of our justice system — we were summarily rounded up, all Japanese Americans on the West Coast, where we were primarily resident, and sent off to 10 barb wire internment camps — prison camps, really, with sentry towers, machine guns pointed at us — in some of the most desolate places in this country: the wastelands of Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, the blistering hot desert of Arizona, of all places, in black tarpaper barracks. And our family was sent two-thirds of the way across the country, the farthest east, in the swamps of Arkansas." - George Takei.

O internamento japonês é um período negro na história da América, porém (ou talvez precisamente por isso) é um assunto de que mal se fala nas aulas de História – quando chega a ser abordado. Daí, a meu ver, o actual ódio e pavor que tantos dos meus concidadãos têm de quem é diferente.

Ao longo dos tempos:

 "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitude."--> Sound familiar?