Nota Breve

Podia ter chamado este blog "Reflexões de uma luso-americana"; escolhi "Mensagem numa garrafa" por desconhecer o destino das minhas palavras e o impacto que estas terão. Será escrito nas versões de português de Portugal (pelos menos da maneira que me recordo) e de inglês americano.

This blog could have been named "Musings of a Portuguese-American"; I chose "Message in a Bottle" as I will never know who my words will reach and the impact they'll have on all those strangers. It is being written in American English, as well as in Portuguese from Portugal.

1 de dezembro de 2015

Happy Holidays

I am not a particularly religious person, and I no longer attend church or belong to any organized religion, but the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s continues to be one of my favorite times of year. 

I like decorating my home, baking goodies for family and friends, and I like looking at Christmas decorations and listening to Christmas songs. The only thing I despise about this time of year is the excessive consumerism and commercialization that at times I find suffocating.

For me, the spirit of Christmas is well depicted in this song interpreted by the great Ray Charles: “The time of year for being with the ones we love, sharing so much joy and cheer, what a wonderful feeling (…) why can’t it be all through the year (…) it’s truly amazing that spirit (…)” These are my memories of Christmas: past, present and, hopefully, future.

A joyful Holiday season to all my readers, regardless of the holiday you celebrate: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa…Festivus – whichever.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay warm.
Smile, keep calm and carry on.



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