Nota Breve

Podia ter chamado este blog "Reflexões de uma luso-americana"; escolhi "Mensagem numa garrafa" por desconhecer o destino das minhas palavras e o impacto que estas terão. Será escrito nas versões de português de Portugal (pelos menos da maneira que me recordo) e de inglês americano.

This blog could have been named "Musings of a Portuguese-American"; I chose "Message in a Bottle" as I will never know who my words will reach and the impact they'll have on all those strangers. It is being written in American English, as well as in Portuguese from Portugal.

17 de maio de 2017

Vidas lixadas

A vida é repleta de alegrias, gargalhadas e de bons (e inesquecíveis) momentos que não trocamos por nada deste mundo. Mas como não há bela sem senão, a mesma bela vida também é, igualmente, lixada; Nenhum de nós escapa à dor (traumas do fórum físico ou emocional), nem às amarguras ou às lágrimas. Até ao momento do nosso último sopro não há como escapar a todos os problemas; se tiveremos juízo (e/ou estivermos preparados) podemos evitar alguns, mas de dissabores e angústias ninguém se livra.

É por isso que, nesses momentos menos agradáveis, é importante não desanimar ou perder a esperança, caso contrário corremos o risco de não conseguirmos enfrentar os nossos desafios. Se, por outro lado, nos lembrarmos que não somos os únicos a passar pelas mesmas (e, frequentemente, bem piores) dificuldades, aumentamos a nossa determinação e capacidade de superar o que nos atormenta a alma e nos lixa a vida.

10 de maio de 2017


Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto

Recordando a minha infância

This & That

  • “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you” – The Golden Rule.
  • “Don’t bring negative to my door” – Maya Angelou.
  • “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out” - ?
  • “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are” – John Wooden.
  • “Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant” - ?
  • “If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time ease to react at all” – Yogi Bhajan
  • “I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” – Maya Angelou.
  • “Before marrying someone, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet, just to see who they really are.” - ?
  • “You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. Be kind to yourself.Remember to take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” - ?
  • “Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our darkness well, can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity” – Pema Chodron.
  • “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.” - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia.
  • “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace” – ?
  • “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, surrounded by assholes” – William Gibson.
  • “If you want it, go for it. Take the risk. Don’t always play it safe or you’ll die wondering.” – ?
  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs.
  • “You have to make mistakes to find out who you aren’t” – Anne Lamott

Breast cancer

Image result for What cancer cannot do: It cannot corrode Faith It cannot shatter Hope It cannot cripple Love It cannot destroy Peace

Image result for fight like a girl 
This isn't for wimps! 

9 de maio de 2017


Privatize-se Machu Picchu, privatize-se Chan Chan,
privatize-se a Capela Sistina,
privatize-se o Pártenon,
privatize-se o Nuno Gonçalves,
privatize-se a Catedral de Chartres,
privatize-se o Descimento da Cruz,
de Antonio da Crestalcore,
privatize-se o Pórtico da Glória
de Santiago de Compostela,
privatize-se a Cordilheira dos Andes,
privatize-se tudo, privatize-se o mar e o céu,
privatize-se a água e o ar, privatize-se a justiça e a lei,
privatize-se a nuvem que passa,
privatize-se o sonho, sobretudo se for diurno
e de olhos abertos.
E, finalmente, para florão e remate de tanto privatizar,
privatizem-se os Estados, entregue-se por uma vez
a exploração deles a empresas privadas,
mediante concurso internacional.
Aí se encontra a salvação do mundo…
E, já agora, privatize-se também
a puta que os pariu a todos.

Image result for jose saramago

“Cadernos de Lanzarote – Diário III”. 
Lisboa: Editorial Caminho, 1996.